

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

Why I'm Happy All Of The Time

Why I'm Happy All Of The Time


"Ms. Patterson, what are you on? Why are you happy all of the time?" Well, ladies and gentlemen... I'm happy all of the time because I can be, I want to be, I choose to be. Here's a small list of things that have helped contribute to my constant smile:


1. I almost died. 

Yeah, that's real. No bullshit. BUT I didn't. I lived. We lived. I believe that there are two ways people can take situations like what we went through: use it to fuel their fire to live or use it to fuel their fire of misery. This experience lit us both up with a fire to live the best life that we could. Shoutout to my best friend for being a constant ray of sunshine in my life.


2. I know what heartbreak feels like.

I thought that I had found the love of my life. We moved in together, we got a dog together. Things were I thought. Well it ended and it devastated me. It took me a while to start getting myself together again, but I slowly started to realize that it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I had to start figuring out who Linsey was again without him. I moved cities, I met a ton of new people, found CycleBar, became a counselor, and I got to learn what real love feels like. I started to love who I was and my confidence shot through the roof. I knew who Linsey was and it felt good. I was also able to meet my current significant other. The last couple of years with him has helped me grasp what real, true love feels like. I had to go through one of the toughest moments of my life to get to one of the happiest moments. It sucked man, but it was so worth it. Shoutout to my boyfriend who probably won’t read this post for a couple of weeks. Thanks for being the realest <3


3. I wasn't raised by my parents. 

My grandmother raised me. A small but insanely mighty woman. Throughout our years together, I have learned how #blessed I was to have her as my guide growing up. We have had our fair share of obstacles to navigate through but we kicked butt. We have done the dang thing. She taught me the true definition of a warrior and how to be strong... she also taught me how to be humble. One of my favorite things about her is how big her heart is - she's thoughtful, caring, kind and always wants to make sure you know how special you are. I wouldn't trade my upbringing for the world. I just hope she knows how special she is. Shoutout to the OG!


4. I don't get paid diddly squat for my job.

BUT IT'S OK. I love what I do so much. Every time I wake up in the morning, I remind myself of the joy that I feel walking in to work and working with the population that I do. I have a job where I feel like I can genuinely be myself and help those around me. I don't think that it gets better than that. When I look at my paycheck, I see $$ that I got for doing something that I would do for free (but I won't keep doing it for free now that I get paid.. have to throw that in there haha).  Shoutout to my coworkers, supervisor and clients for providing a place that I can grow within my career and learn everyday.

Anyone notice a pattern? The first statement is negative - but everything that follows is positive. I have learned that changing my point of view and adjusting my thought process has helped me overcome many things thrown my way. Yes... somethings are just bad. BUT we don't have to continue to make them bad, we can try and find the light at the end of the tunnel to help get us through. And that my friends is why I'm happy all of the time. I search for the light. 




Some Memories That Make Me *Feel*

Some Memories That Make Me *Feel*

What I Am Doing For 2020

What I Am Doing For 2020