

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

What I Am Doing For 2020

What I Am Doing For 2020


My friend introduced me to a New Year's practice in which you "set words," not resolutions. This practice helped me learn a lot about myself and gave me motivation to get through the 365 days of 2019. In the beginning of the year, I wrote them down and put them on my desk at work so that I could be reminded them daily. Throughout the year - I realized that that they were naturally a part of my daily routine. 


1. Maintaining Intention & Self-Discovery

            These were my words for 2019. Intention and Self-Discovery. This was the year of self-discovery. I attended yoga teacher training... where you learn A LOT about yourself. I learned the type of love that I deserve. I moved. I landed my dream job. I started graduate school classes. Through all of this discovery and change, I kept reminding myself of my intention for all of this. My intentions for the things that I was doing, my intention for the things that I was saying... everything. I made sure that I was I living my true self and doing my best. The last 363 days (or whatever) have helped me become truly happy and I believe that using these words helped me get here. 


2. Self- Control

            2020... COME AT ME BRO. My new words: Self-Control and Patience. Why Self-Control? Well.. because I lack it when it comes to sugar, food and coffee. My vice is sugar. When I have one cookie, I have to have another one. When there's a box of donuts at work, I go get seconds. I have used the excuse, "I work out, I deserve this" way more than I should. "Treat yo'self" has helped turn me into a sugar fiend. YES, it's okay to have a piece of cake every once in a while. No one should deprive themselves of these things - but people shouldn't overindulge. My issue is overindulging. So in the year 2020, if you catch me going overboard - PLEASE hold me accountable. That is why I'm putting this is writing. I'll probably cry and curse at myself later on... but oh well. Help me help myself. 


3. Patience 

            I feel as though I am a pretty patient person normally... but I have noticed myself not being patient when it comes to myself or my relationships. I need to learn to have grace and accept that things are not always going to be instantaneous. There are things that take time and practice - having patience with myself will help me get through this. When I ask my boyfriend to clean something... don't expect him to get up right away and do it (even though that would be ideal). I need to recognize that people will do things on their time and not on mine. Patience grasshopper, patience. 


I don't know about you - but I'm pretty damn excited about 2020. I love even numbers. I have exciting events coming up. This is going to be a great year. I can feel it. What are your words going to be this year? If you need an accountability buddy... I'll be here for ya! 




Why I'm Happy All Of The Time

Why I'm Happy All Of The Time

Ways I Deal With Loss

Ways I Deal With Loss