

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

Ways I Deal With Loss

Ways I Deal With Loss

Over the years, I have had to deal with loss of different sorts. How I dealt with it at the age of 18 to dealing with it at my current age has changed significantly. At the age of 18: drink excessively to numb the pain. I am proud to say that I have been able to grow out that have learned to face my pain head on. 


1. Cry


CRY. Do it. Just freaking do it. Crying is your body's release of emotions. If you don't cry- how does the pain come out? Think about it. A lot of us have been raised to think that crying is weak and that we shouldn't do that. Well you know what... I say that it's one of the strongest things that we can do as a human being. Being able to show that you can process your emotions is something that a lot of people won't do because they're scared. So you automatically become a badass by letting those tears flow. 

2. Live with purpose 

This has been something that has stayed with me since I lost my best friend when I was 18. I started to live every day for her because she couldn't. When I would question if I could do something, I would remind myself that she was right there with me. When I had another loss when I was 22, I told myself that he was my guardian angel making sure that I was following my dreams. When I lost my dad last year, I knew that I needed to continue to be a fighter because he was. He never gave up even when he was dealt a crappy hand. Every day is a new day to live for them. They give me energy and purpose to get through the hard times. I know that they wouldn't want to see me sad, they would want me to be using it to fuel my fire and become the best version of myself that I can be to honor them. 


3. Talk about it

Whether you talk to your best friend, a therapist or your significant other - talking about things helps relieve the pressure you feel in your chest. It will help you be able to process thoughts and feelings that you have and are holding on to. We have these relationships for a reason... to help us get through the good times but most importantly, the bad. Sometimes you don't even need for them to give you advice or respond. All that you need is for them to be listening ears and recognize that you still have someone that is there. 


4. Surround yourself with people you love

When you lose someone or something - it is very easy to isolate and feel trapped within our own bodies. Being with the ones I love and have healthy relationships with, helped me tremendously. Sitting on their couch, going to get coffee, or even sitting quietly on the phone. These are all ways to notice that you still have people that are with you. It may feel like you're all alone, but if we get stuck feeling that way - then we will actually make being alone our reality.


If you are suffering with loss right now, I am deeply sorry. Please remember - you are not alone. 




What I Am Doing For 2020

What I Am Doing For 2020

What I've Learned Being a Pet Owner

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