

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

What I've Learned During This Pandemic

What I've Learned During This Pandemic

Linsey: the essential worker - bringing smiles to work every Monday-Friday.

Linsey: the essential worker - bringing smiles to work every Monday-Friday.

 1. Who are "Essential" workers?

First and foremost, I want to thank all of the people who are medically dealing with this virus directly. I also want to thank all of the other people who are deemed "essential workers." It's a funny word... essential. I joked around with my boss about how I wasn't an essential worker and how I took offense to it because I felt like as a human being, I was definitely essential…. well turns out the joke was on me - because during this pandemic I became an essential worker. I have been going to work like normal, 40 hrs a week. Anyways, I'm glad that I don't have to determine who is "essential" and who isn't. In Linsey's eyes, everyone is essential. But I understand that there needs to be the label and I'm glad that there are other people who makes those decisions. So I want to say thank you to those people too… whoever you may be.

2. Showing gratitude is crucial right now. 

            There are multiple ways of reacting to this pandemic. My personal way: I'm accepting that a lot is unknown right now but I'm acknowledging what I do know. I know that I'm thankful for my health. I am thankful that I have the ability to connect with people in ways that don't have to be in person (social media, phone, texting, etc.). I am thankful that I have food, a place to live, a shower and a job. I have a pretty cool dog and cat. I have Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Prime. I have the means to do laundry without leaving my place. I don't have to go out my door unless it is to go to work or to go to the grocery store and I have the resources to protect myself once I do walk out of my door. 

            I have witnessed a lot of "people should be doing this" or "people shouldn't be doing that." I've even had to catch myself a couple of times saying that. The reality is.... there isn't a manual on how to live through a pandemic. Hopefully people are doing the best that they can, each and every day (whaddup Fourth Agreement.. if you know, you know). Next time you catch yourself criticizing how someone is responding to this, take a moment and recognize that they might be doing the best that can be. We are all in different situations, living different lives, with different means. Please be kind to one another. 


3. Switching things up can be scary and unnerving, but we must adapt. 

            This has been easy for some and extremely hard for others. *Quarantining* *Social-Distancing* The huge buzz words right now. I thrive with group fitness and social interaction. I need to see people and have face-to-face conversations to refuel myself. With everything going on, I have had to switch up my routine and start working out at home. I was able to rent a CycleBar bike to have during all of this, I have my yoga mat and I have pasta sauce jars that I have been using as weights haha. Thankfully - I overall LOVE change. I love being challenged to figure out how to make things work once they've been shaken up. 

            I haven't left my house unless it has been to go on walks or to get groceries. Oh, I've gone to see my grandma a couple of times & during these visits we have stayed outside... maintaining 8-10 feet apart at all times. It's been very strange not to give her a comforting hug and I get anxious when I leave because I can't give her a proper goodbye. Some days are harder than others. It's not a smooth roller coaster of emotion. But at the end of the day - I am comforted in knowing that we are all going through the same uncertainty and I am not alone. We must continue to work as a community, a country, and as a world, to keep each other afloat during this. 



4. Pollen vs COVID-19.

            Pretty sure every time I've gone out in public with my boyfriend... he sneezes. He has insane allergies that popped up within the last couple of years so he's still trying to figure it all out. Anyways, I yell at him and tell him to go outside because they're going to kick us out of the grocery store. Allergies - 1, Boyfriend - 0. Hearing someone cough is a gamble. Are they choking on their own spit or are they highly contagious with the virus? When my dog is coughing… do I need to give him a Benadryl or take him to the emergency vet? One day I hear animals can’t get it.. the next day I hear a tiger tested positive for it. So WHO KNOWS. It's wild times right now. 


OVERALL- The coronavirus has shown me that people can come together and make it work. People have been making things WORK. Take this time and focus on yourself. What can you be doing for yourself to help make you work? Getting some extra sleep? Self-care? Meditation? Finding a new hobby? Get creative. 




Products That Are Keeping Me Sane Right Now

Products That Are Keeping Me Sane Right Now

Things That Annoy Me

Things That Annoy Me