

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

Things That Annoy Me

Things That Annoy Me

Alright, so here’s the tea, I feel like I am a pretty level headed individual...but these few things really grind my gears.  Hopefully these won’t be used against me… we’ll see!


1. People who don't put the shopping cart away. 

I mean really though, it says a lot about a persons character. If you are willing to leave a shopping cart in the middle of another parking spot or on the grass... that shows your true colors. Selfishness. Being inconsiderate. Someone has to collect those carts, and by not putting yours away, you're saying that you would rather inconvenience someone else rather than inconvenience yourself. Do yourself a favor and just put the dang cart away. You'll get more steps in and you'll be good human being. Win-Win! 


2. People who point out others flaws. 

            "You look like you're gaining weight." "You're breaking out." "You look unhappy." OK THANKS. Chances are, the person who is being the recipient of these comments already knows that they've added a couple pounds, their face isn't clear or they're having a bad day. There's no need to bring it up to them and emphasize the fact that they're not up to your standards for the day. Instead, give them a compliment and help boost their ego that day instead of bringing them farther down. 


3. When people talk over one another. 

            Wow. This is something that always gets under my skin. Unfortunately, it happens in my everyday life so I'm trying to get better at accepting it. If you're going to talk over me, you might as well just give me the middle finger because you don't care about what I have to say. You're insinuating that what I have to say doesn't matter and what you have to say is more important. When individuals talk over each other, it's a battle of who's comment is more "worthy." I have learned that in these situations to just become quiet and listen to what others have to say and go on about my business. It's not worth exerting my energy.


4. The song "Yummy" by Justin Bieber. 

            I just can't listen to this song and not feel like I am being violated. It's a weird song and it makes me want to eat a donut. Yup. Thanks for making a song that makes me want sweets but also makes me want to take a shower. Maybe both at the same time.


5. Watching the local news.

            I understand that the news wants people to be informed about what is going on... but does it always have to be the negative things? I wish that the news would report on the positive things that are happening in the area. I feel like this would be a great community booster and would help residents feel like they don't live in a war zone all of the time. I like to be educated on the crime that is going on around me, but I would also like to be educated on the local shelters food drive turn out or the local hero that found a litter of puppies on the side of the highway. Instead of talking about the deaths caused by the coronavirus, talk about the people who have successfully been fighting the sickness. People are scared enough as it is, why not bring them some hope? 


Well that's my rant, just in time for March Madness. It feels good to get it out. Here's to hoping that March will help us get rid of the madness and chaos going on in our lives and bring us stability and harmony.




What I've Learned During This Pandemic

What I've Learned During This Pandemic

What PTSD Looks Like For Me

What PTSD Looks Like For Me