

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

What I've Learned About Best Friends

What I've Learned About Best Friends


1. It's a relationship. 

Just like a romantic relationship, friendships are hard. Sometimes they might be 80/20. Sometimes they might be 50/50. But at the end of the day, you need to make sure that you're taking it seriously and reciprocating when needed. A best friend isn't your therapist. A best friend isn't your mother. A best friend is your best friend. Make sure that you're giving back to them and extending your love and gratitude. Being a best friend isn't always easy, sometimes it's really demanding. I know that I have used my best friend in my times of need and joy & she has always been there. In return, I make sure to be there for her in her times of need and joy because... DUH. 


2. They're always going to be there. 

            Those times of need & joy that I mentioned - getting married, a parent passing away, a break up, getting a new pet and becoming the godparent. Best friends are going to show up and be there. They will be a part of the major milestones in your life, as well as the small ones. Getting a new job, finally getting the pair of shoes that you want, listening to you complain when the Starbucks lady got your order wrong. These are the people who will be there for you through thick and thin, no matter the cost. 

3. Kindness is key. 

            Kindness is key for any scenario, anytime, anywhere. But especially with your best friend. Being kind is something that will help keep the relationship healthy and thriving. Communicating in an effective manner is something that every good bestfriendship needs. People are not going to react well to someone telling them that they look fat in a photo- so you kindly tell them that they need to adjust their sweater (lol). Yes, sometimes they might need tough love but make sure that you're not hurting them.

4. You don't have to be the same person. 

            Some people think that they need to be best friends with someone just like them, but that's false. What's the fun in that? You can have similar interests, maybe even similar names (haha), but you can have different ways that you live your life. One might be into politics and the other might be into sports. One might be a fashionista and the other might be a thrifter. Best friends come in all shapes and sizes, don't try to match them. You will both bring out the best parts of each other and dominate any setting that you're in. 

5. They pass the Silence Test. 

The Silence Test- this is where you can be a room with them, not talking, not doing anything, but still feel content. This is huge. You know that you have found a best friend when you feel at home in a quiet room with them. We've all been in a room with someone where we felt like we needed to force conversation or we counted down the minutes until it was time to leave. But when you find that person that you don't mind sharing some stillness with, you've found gold. 

Text your best friend today and thank them for being awesome.



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