

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

Ways I Stay Sane... Especially During Seasons of Change

Ways I Stay Sane... Especially During Seasons of Change

1. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep

            I'm sure you've heard people say, "I need my sleep or I'll be useless." That's me. If I don't get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, my mind isn't right the next day. I forget things. I'm easily agitated. I'm lazy and slack off on things I committed to do. But if I get 8 hours - I'm the happy, smiling human being that can accomplish whatever she puts her mind to. Being able to snuggle up next to my animals (including the bf) is such a calming and relaxing time of the day for me. Sleep is something that I used to take for granted ... "I can sleep when I'm dead." Welllllllll, I could also be dead sooner if I didn't get adequate sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Make sure that you're getting the right amount for you! 



2. Preparing for the day...the night before

            ROUTINE. ROUTINE. ROUTINE. I get my vitamins prepared for when I wake up the next morning. I get my coffee pot set up so all that I have to do is press "on." I set out a bowl/plate and silverware for my breakfast. I get an idea of what I'll be wearing the next day, sometimes it works out... sometimes it doesn't. But I try. I have found that setting up for the next morning has significantly decreased my stress level in the morning & has made me more willing to wake up. 


3. Exercising

            As you know, CycleBar is my JAM. If I miss a couple of days of spin, I start to get into a funk. Yoga is also something has helped keep my mind and body focused and balanced. Walking. I've noticed that if I don't keep moving, then I start to downward spiral. I get upset easier. I'll cry at a commercial. I become a hermit. If I stay active, even if it's taking my dog on a long walk, then I am more likely to be mentally present for things that are coming my way. There's also science to this. I'm sure you could google it if you don't believe me.


4. Recognizing what I have control over

            This. Is. Essential. Guess what? We can choose what we put energy into! Woooooo! I am giving you permission to get rid of the chaos that you are taking on that has nothing to do with you. We don't need to be holding on to everyones emotions and situations that they are going through. This is something that has taken me years to learn ... just because XYZ is going through XYZ, it doesn't mean that it's my problem to take on. I can be a support, but I don't need to be constantly worried and immersed in their circumstances. Being an empath is hard and I have to remind myself of this every single day - but I can only control the things that are going on in my life... no one else’s. 


5. Making lists (lol)

            Grocery list. Errands list. What I need at Target (so I don't buy everything). To do list. But most importantly... a gratitude list. When things are all over the place and moving a million miles an hour, it is important to ground yourself by recognizing what you are thankful for in your life. Whether it's coffee, your relationships, your pets or the fact that you woke up today, that you're able to follow your passion, etc. There's so many things to be grateful for - no matter how material or "small" they may seem. 


So - During this season of change... changing leaves, cooler weather, weddings happening, school coming to a close for the semester... make sure that you're taking care of yourself. Ground yourself. Love yourself. Embrace yourself.




What I've Learned Being a Pet Owner

What I've Learned Being a Pet Owner

What I've Learned About Best Friends

What I've Learned About Best Friends