

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 2.

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 2.


1. The four agreements

Shameless plug to read my other blog post that is dedicated to this topic. Don’t make assumptions, don’t take anything personally, always do your best, be impeccable with your word. Living my life by practicing these agreements as much as I can has helped me be able to cut out so much stress & anxiety. 

2. Move your body 

I have aches and pains man. If I don’t move around, I can feel it all up in my bones. The more that we move, the more that our body will thank us. Our mind will also thank us. Being active helps naturally release dopamine in our brain, which helps us to stay in a positive headspace. When you’re feeling down - go for a walk or put on a stretching YouTube video… maybe even try dancing. I promise it will help you feel a little better. 

3. It’s ok to change who you are

We’re not meant to stay the same. We’re meant to grow and evolve. Being the exact same person your whole life can get extremely boring. The limit does not exist to how much we can adjust, flourish and expand who we are. When you’re going through growing phases, relationships might disappear and people might start to dislike you but new relationships will form and the people that matter will be right by your side. 

4. Find your people…

This comes with a lot of trial and error. This can take time or it can happen fast. But when you find your people, hold on to them. We all know the saying that someone is your life for a reason, a season and/or a lifetime. I have been #blessed with finding my people that have stuck with me for years, through hell & high water, been there for all the ups & downs, etc. I love these people with all my heart and I don’t plan on letting them go. They are all funny, loyal, trustworthy, and have helped me grow as a person. 

5. ...but make new friends 

Yes- I have my people. I am loyal to my people. But that doesn’t mean I can’t make new friends and have new people! I’m sure the song/meme/saying “no new friends” is what you’re thinking about right now……. but screw that. Making new friends is something that we need to be continuously doing throughout our lifetime. You never know who is going to be there for you, what kind of connections you can make, or what you could learn by meeting someone. 

6. Know when it’s ok to be selfish 

This is something that I’m still actively working on. I’m a people pleaser so this is an extremely hard thing for me. I have been getting better at it though! Being selfish always has a negative connotation associated with it - but it’s actually just taking care of yourself and your wants/needs. Being burnt out isn’t a good look for anyone. Do what you need to do for your well-being! Take the time. Take the extra coffee. Take a rest day. 

7. Compromise 

Oh the lovely word that people are probably tired of hearing. Compromise. Making a decision that both parties are able to be ok with. It doesn’t mean that both parties are going to be happy with the outcome. It just means that they are able to find a middle ground. This is something that is constantly happening in relationships, there is no end in sight. I’ve learned that I don’t always have to get my way and I don’t always have to be happy about decisions that are made, I just need to be able to accept the mutual understanding we have come to. 

8. The most beautiful thing about you is your heart

I mean honestly… how many times did adults tell us that growing up? All the damn time. But it’s actually true. You can be stereotypically beautiful on the outside- but if you have a terrible personality… you immediately turn ugly. Our image on the outside directly reflects who we are on the inside. If you have a good heart, you’re automatically 10x better looking. 

9. Plan for the future

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I didn’t think that I was going to live to see a “future.” I’m not sure why, it just never really clicked for me. Well… here I am! Make sure you get a 401k. Have a savings account. Build a good credit score. Make sure that you’re in a relationship with someone that you can actually plan a real future with. Make goals & build a rough draft timeline. I do live by the YOLO (you only live once) mentality but I am doing this while planning to stick around for awhile. 

10. If something isn’t working, change it 

My best friend once told me, “if you want a change, you gotta make a change.” I haven’t forgotten that saying over the last 10 years. I repeat it all of the time. If you aren’t happy with something then you need to do something about it. We can’t walk around expecting that things are just going to magically be different or change on their own. If there is something in our life that is not making us happy then we need to be proactive. The majority of changes don’t happen overnight, so if there’s something ya want to be different get a jump start on it now!  

Next week is the BIRTHDAY WEEK! Stay tuned for part 3.



30 Things I've Learned, Pt 3.

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 3.

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 1.

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 1.