

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 1.

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 1.

  1. Drink Water

It took me a while to enjoy the taste of water, but now I drink around a gallon a day. I might pee alot, but it’s worth it. Water has been something that has improved my health significantly. Not only does it help me feel replenished, it helps with feeling groggy, bloating and it has helped my skin significantly. The majority of people reading this have access to clean water, so take advantage of it. I’m always carrying around a reusable bottle of water- at work, in my car, at home. Everywhere. PSA: Drink. More. Water. 

2. Preventative Care 

Some of you all know this, but I didn’t see myself living to be older than 18 years old. Growing up, I never thought that I would live to be the age that I am now- almost 30!! WHAT. Insane. So, in the last couple of years, I have realized how important it is to take care of your body. I have a vitamin regime. I take collagen powder every morning with my coffee. I go to the dentist 2 times a year. I make sure to get my bloodwork done every year to check on my levels. I drink water. I also have realized how important it is to take a pepcid before eating foods or drinking alcohol that could cause me heartburn. I am a very proactive human being now when I used to be extremely reactive. I would respond to things instead of trying to prevent them from happening. Growing up, I’ve realized that being preventative is in my best interest. 

3. Sleep is essential

During the week, I’m in bed early. During the weekend, unless it’s a special occasion- I’m in bed early. Sleep is something that I have grown to need to make sure I can function the next day. I remember being younger and living my life off of 4-5 hours of sleep…….HOW. I’m amazed. I can’t even think about doing something unless I get 8 straight hours. 

4. Do puzzles & play games that help you use your brain 

After my brain injury, I was instructed to keep my brain busy by doing different puzzles (crosswords, sudokus, etc), and playing games on my computer/phone to help me stay engaged. This is a technique that I have kept with me and practice weekly. I try to do crosswords at least once a week & play some games on my phone every day to make sure that I’m using my brain in a different capacity. Lumosity has been an amazing tool for me. Our brain is like our body- we need to do different kinds of exercises to work out different muscles in the ol’ noggin. 

5. Talk to the random stranger

YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. I spent a lot of my life nervous to talk to people that I didn’t know. I didn’t want to be judged or made fun of. I didn’t want to put myself out there. But over the years I have realized that you need to put yourself out there. Talk to random people. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The other day we were at a restaurant & I asked a person standing around what was good on the menu. I ended up ordering something that they suggested and it was delicious. I’ve asked many people for directions. How amazing does it feel when a person compliments you out of the blue? Try giving a stranger a compliment. Tell the lady that her dress is cute or that her make up is fire. It could completely turn around their day. 

6. Dance

When my boyfriend & I first started dating, he would always smile when the food was brought out by the waiter because I would start doing a little shoulder dance. Now… he’s used to it. I dance all the time. Whether I hear good news, hear good music, or am at a party. Dancing is something that is natural within us. “I can’t dance.” YES YOU CAN. I promise. It might not look like Dancing with the Stars or like you should be in a music video - but I promise, if you tried, you could. I think you’d be surprised how good it feels. 

7. Smile 

I think this might be the easiest thing for me to do, now. *flash back to growing up and all of the photos of me smiling with my mouth closed or only doing a half smile* I used to be embarrassed to smile. Reflecting back it could have been for a combination of 2 reasons.. 1) my front 2 teeth had an overlap & I had an overbite or 2) I used to think really happy people were fake & if you smiled with your teeth, you were fake. I think I stopped believing that when I finally got to college. ALL of my photos - I’m smiling with my teeth because I was genuinely happy. I eventually ended up getting braces because my jaw had shifted over the years and I wanted to be able to chew properly again. I learned that even a big ol’ smile with braces is worth smiling because it helps you radiate your happiness. 

When I smile at someone, I want them to feel acknowledged and seen. I want them to know that someone has their back. Someone is giving them good vibrations. Someone is hoping that they have a great day. You never know what a genuine smile can do for someone’s day. I dare you to smile at someone today (with your teeth). 

8. Educate yourself & be teachable 

I like to pride myself in the fact that I am going to be a forever learner. I am always in some sort of schooling. I like to know things. I like to google things & figure out answers. I like for others to teach me things. One of the biggest lessons that I have learned from my schooling as a counselor is to have the awareness that you are not an expert. Which I’m not and I will never claim to be. I am especially not an expert on what other people should do with their life. I’m not even an expert on what I should be doing with my own life. Always be learning and always allow for others to teach you things. The moment we become unteachable, is the moment that you’ll start losing people. It’s the moment that you become the know-it-all. No one likes a know-it-all... (or at least I don’t.) 

9. Bloom where you are planted, but also know when to uproot yourself

We are not always going to be in the ideal work environment or our dream living situation. We might not even have control over where we’re placed in this world. What we do have control over, is how we act. Find the little things that make you happy throughout your day while you’re at work and do the best that you can. If you do your best, you will reap the rewards. On that same note- know when you are not being valued and know that you are deserving of more than what you are receiving. Make the best out of what you have, but also take note of when you’ve exhausted your environment. 

10. Try new things

This is a hard one for a lot of people. It is human nature to stick to things that we are comfortable doing. The moment that we step out of our comfort zone is where we (reference #8) learn something new. By trying something new, you might realize that you like doing something you never thought that you would. A couple of years ago, I tried a spin class & immediately became addicted to it. I’ll try new foods as long as it doesn’t contain onions or beef (because I’ve tried those multiple times & it doesn’t sit right). I tried yoga and realized how much peace it brought me. I tried taking care of plants and realized I’m a terrible plant owner. We’re not always going to succeed at everything we try, but at least we can say that we tried it. 

Stay tuned for pt 2.



30 Things I've Learned, Pt 2.

30 Things I've Learned, Pt 2.

The Body Image One

The Body Image One