

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

What I Gained From Being in a Sorority

What I Gained From Being in a Sorority

Alright, so here’s the deal. There’s a huge stereotype when it comes to a “sorority girl” and I have been told that I don’t fit that mold. Well the good news is - there’s not a mold. If you were to walk into a room full of my sorority sisters, you would see people of all different shapes, sizes, hair colors, fashion choices, etc. I am very thankful to have gone to a university that welcomed individuality within their Greek life. Overall, I joined a sorority for the social aspect. Were the parties fun? Hell yes. Tailgating was always 100. But the people that I met are the reason that I stayed in one. 

  1. My best friends


If I wouldn’t have joined my sorority, who knows if I would have met my best friends. I mean wow. My soulmate, my person, my sister. AOII brought us together. If it wouldn’t have been for those fraternity parties, we might not have bonded over her writing “thug life” on my knuckles. Here we are, 9 years later and I can’t even start to write out all of our memories together. I’m pretty sure I could have an entire blog dedicated to our relationship.

Then there’s my coffee-loving, analytical thinking bff that can send me 15 texts in a row and I don’t think twice about it. Who brings me surprise pumpkin chai cupcakes for holidays and likes early bedtimes too. Someone who I can spend multiple days with and not get annoyed. We have genuinely grown together throughout the last few years and I think we’re blossoming quite nicely. My life wouldn’t be the same without either of these women. 

2. Bonds that I’ve never shared before

Roommates: 228 (iykyk). Was I the best roommate? No. Did we all have our quirks? Yes. But did we have an unforgettable year? Yes. Will these women always be close to my heart? Absolutely. We are all living in different states and are in different stages in our life… no matter what, these women will always hold a special place in my heart. <3

My Sorority Family: So as I’ve briefly mentioned before in my blog, I have a broken family. My idea of the word “family” was very tainted. When I joined a sorority, I was hoping to gain people in my life who were always going to be there - and I did. My “big sister” turned out to be one of the kindest and goofiest women that I’ve met. She has a beautiful family and I will forever idolize her. My “little sister” is a complete rockstar! Not only does she manage to set goals and achieve them, but she knocks them out of the ballpark. I am so grateful that she was placed into my life and I can’t wait to see her grow even more. My “grandlittle” is someone who knows who she is and knows what she likes and isn’t afraid of anything. I admire that quality in her and I know that it has helped me strengthen my voice. My “gg” is stunning, hilarious and always a good time. These women will always be a part of me and my story.

Sisterhood: Not just within your own chapter - but a sisterhood that radiates throughout the entire country. I met one of my closest friends through someone and we instantly had an undeniable connection… simply because we were both AOIIs. No one understands it until you go through it. “Oh cool.. You were both in the same sorority but at different schools? So what?” Yes … so what that means is that we have a bond that can’t be put into words. We have similar values and beliefs. Have gone through the same ritual practices. We. Are. Sisters. Are we all going to like each other? No… but do you normally like your family all of the time? When my best friend and I were in London, we ran into a girl who had an AOII sweatshirt on and we all instantly did the handshake and took a photo together. It was such a happy moment in time that we got to share with a sister on the other side of the planet.

3. Networking skills

Once you go through recruitment - you’re set. I can talk to a brick wall for at least 10 minutes. Bring. It. On. I was able to perfect my skills on holding conversations with people of all sorts of backgrounds and personalities. Being in a social sorority exposed me to many different gatherings, parties and events that I probably wouldn’t have gone to unless I had joined. My networking circle instantly became bigger and the connections I made with people have lasted years. I’ve been able to use these skills throughout my daily life interacting with people at work, the grocery store, in a parking lot, you name it. 

I believe that people are placed in your life for a reason. The sorority life might have only lasted for my college career but the friends & sisters that I have made will last a lifetime. I will forever be indebted to Stell, Hell, Bess & Jess for their beautiful creation. 



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