

Welcome to my blog where I make lists about things that I care about. I hope you enjoy :)

My CycleBar List

My CycleBar List

1. Connection is everything.


            When I started CycleBar I had my eyes glued to the monitor and tried to make sure that I was always getting high numbers. I always wanted to win the races and be at the top of the leaderboard. Once I moved to the front row, I covered up my monitor with a towel so that I could test myself and ride to the beat. Eventually, I stopped turning the monitor on all together and now I just ride with how my body feels. I learned how to forget the numbers, forget everything else going on, and just stay present and focused in the moment. 

            Throughout the day- I am constantly taking in other people’s emotions and helping them work through their thoughts and feelings... but what about me? When do I get to have my release? When I’m being active! Every time I ride, I catch myself closing my eyes for longer and longer. The majority of the time I'm smiling. Sometimes I cry. And I'm definitely sweating. I get lost in the feeling that I get when I'm on the bike. Whenever something big happens in my life, whether it's traumatic or exciting - I crave getting to my spin class. There's nothing like it.

2. You can have more fun dancing on a bike than at a night club.

            The best thing about class is the beat of the music. When you are able to find an instructor that has a *lit* playlist, you are set. PSA: please, for the love of everything holy, at least TRY and follow the instructors legs. If you aren't able to catch the beat and match them, you can always turn the resistance down. This is going to help you find the beat and be able to do the choreography and I promise that it'll make the experience so much more enjoyable! Tapping it back, elbow drops, push-ups, 4 corners - there is nothing better than looking in the mirror and seeing people on beat and dancing together! It's a magical thing to witness that will instantly bring a smile to your face. 

3. Energy is important - channel your inner badass.

            Why do people do group fitness classes? So that they are surrounded by other people who are trying to do the same thing: get an amazing workout. The energy that you bring into the room will set the tone for how you and others perform. The moment that you start moving your legs is the moment that you need to dig inside and forget everything that is going on outside of those 4 walls. Energy is a huge buzzword right now and for good reasoning! It matters! The more that you bring, the more that you're going to get out of the class. Being able to jog at 85rpm or run in third at 120rpm can only be done when you and the people around you are buzzing. It’s amazing how this energy will follow you outside of the studio and help lift your mood for the rest of the day.

4. Woo-ing is essential. 

            Yes, I'm the "woo girl" in class. That's how you communicate with the other people in class. When a sick beat hits and you start the elbow drops. yaaaaaas. You need to let out a cheer because it just feels so right. When a hill is HEAVY and the instructor tells you to add another gear - you have to let out a woo instead of an "eff you." Everyone in the class is feeling the same way that you are, so how do we keep each other going? Give 'em some WOO encouragement! We got this! 

5. The hardest part is getting to class. 

            Thank you for having a no show fee because $10 = enough to get my butt to class. That's two drinks at Starbucks or a couple drinks out with friends. It's a bowl from Happy + Hale. $10 is a bag of dog treats for Rio. I'll be damned if Rio doesn't get his dog treats because I refused to wake up for class. 

            The alarms go off and all that I want is to sleep for 15 more minutes. OK, I turned off those 3 alarms, got dressed, my shirt may or may not be inside out...oops... did I lock my door? I think I have to drive to the studio... fill up my water bottle.. get clipped in (this arguably may be the hardest part for some people)… now I'm finally on the bike and get to experience the best 45 minutes of my day. "Wooooo!" I leave the studio with no regrets. 


6. You find friends from all walks of life.           

  Through this workout, I have met so many people that I have a unique connection with. We all like to ride a bike that doesn't go anywhere. We like to dance while running between 90-100rpm. We insert an elbow drop whenever we hear music outside of the studio. I have become friends with people from New England, beautiful make-up artists, marathon runners (insane), cheerleaders, dancers, marketing professionals, etc. People whom I never would have met if I didn't join CycleBar. I will be forever grateful for the bond I share with these individuals. <3 

I have to give a huge shout out to CycleBar Midtown - Charlotte. This place is a happy zone. The instructors and staff members there are all beautiful people with hearts of gold. You will always hold a special place in my heart! 



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